Private singing lessons can help nurture your voice and perfect your singing. But the problem is that they are expensive and sometimes time-consuming. For this reason, many people don’t attend them, even though they would love to be great singers.
Thankfully, the internet has simplified things for us. You can use it to learn how to sing for free. There are several resources you can use to improve your vocals. These include YouTube, blogs, and online singing classes, among others.
But many people often wonder whether it’s difficult to teach yourself how to sing. Well, it can be. However, like everything else, the more you practice, the better you become. Today, we share some great tips to help you learn how to sing by yourself. Read on to learn more.
Can I Sing?
Everyone, regardless of their abilities, can sing. Sure, it looks complex at first. But once you get the right skills, singing is achievable. You must discover where your singing voice is at the moment, and then you can train yourself from there.
It’s also essential that you know whether or not you sing in tune. If you are an instrumentalist, play a note on your instrument and sing along. While doing that, try to identify whether you match the pitch. People who don’t have an instrument can use music apps like android ear training to determine their singing notes.
It’s also essential that you test your sense of rhythm. You can use the same apps as most offer rhythmic training. Alternatively, you can pick your favorite song and play its instrumental from the background while singing along. Remember to record yourself and listen to your performance afterward. Find out whether you got every beat or missed some and how your delivery was.
Steps to Teach Yourself How to Sing
Now that we have identified the basics of singing, we can get into the process of learning how to sing. Please note that you have to master the above skills to become a good singer. You need to have excellent ear and rhythmical skills; otherwise, you’ll struggle with singing. That said, here are the steps to follow:
Step 1: Prepare Yourself Physically and Mentally
Singing is an art that requires coordination in your body. Therefore, you need to ensure that your body is in the correct position before practicing. Posture is crucial in singing.
Experts advise that you ensure that your back is straight whether sitting or standing and keep your legs parallel and aligned with the shoulders. Also, your feet should always rest flat on the floor. This posture opens your chest cavity allowing air to flow freely in your lungs. As a result, you produce excellent notes easily.
Step 2: Practice Breathing Exercise
Breathing makes up a significant percentage of singing. So, do some breathing exercises beforehand to give you better control of your pitch and duration. Generally, if you can breathe deeply, you can sing better.
Breath slowly in and out to stimulate your abdominal muscles, allowing you to have a more powerful voice. When you inhale, allow the air to flow to your belly through your diaphragm and when exhaling, slowly release the air to let air out.
Ste 3: Begin with Your Speaking Voice
Your singing and speaking voice come from your vocal cords, meaning that if your normal speaking voice is healthy, singing will not be that much of a big deal. Pick a song you like and start speaking out the lyrics with your normal voice. Take note of the vibrations and resonance in your body while you speak. Then sing the lyrics with your speaking voice. Even if the song is different from the speaking range, don’t add anything to sound pretty. Lastly, record and listen to yourself. These help you familiarize yourself with your voice, making it easier to sing.
Step 4: Refining Your Voice
Once you know your singing voice, the next step is releasing your vocal stress. All singers have this stress. It could be in the form of body tensing, popping veins, etc. Releasing it helps you get better at singing. You can do that by shaking your head from side to side such that it looks like you’re saying no when singing. It sounds weird, but it can release vocal stress quickly. Also, try to massage your neck muscles while singing to loosen up the tension and allow your vocal cords to produce better sounds. Remember to do this every day to strengthen your vocal muscles.
Step 5: Find Your Voice Placement
This is where you place your voice while singing. Always ensure that you feel a buzz at your mouth’s roof. If you can feel it, it means that your voice is produced correctly. Start by imitating the sound an owl makes lightly; “oo-oo.” Then, feel the buzz and maintain the feeling at all times. Apply the buzz to all your songs.
Step 6: Sing in Pitch
Unfortunately, most people will know whether you are singing on pitch or off-pitch. But, everyone can learn to stay on pitch while singing. Count 1-5 loudly in your speaking tone. Then count back down from 5-1. Then, find a note bottom at your voice’s range. Girls can try G3 and boys C3.
After, count out each note using the 5-tone scale, starting from the first to the last and back down. Since notes on the scale are close to each other, going off pitch is easy. In that case, try to keep them closer.
Step 7: Project Your Voice
Even if you can sing well, people need to hear you. Therefore, you must master how to project your voice when singing. Pick a phrase from your favorite song. Pretend that you are on stage and need people at the back to hear you. So, say the words out loud without yelling. Then, speak-sing the lyrics using the same pitch you said them out. Your vocal power should be stronger, and you’ll have a clear projected voice.
Step 8: Practice Everyday
Practice makes perfect. So sing several songs daily once you practice the above exercises. Pick at least five songs that you can practice singing during the week and enjoy your practice. Finally, if you get a chance to sing in front of people, just sing. Be in the song with your feelings for your audience to get an intimate performance.
If you want to go beyond being just a beginner at this or any other skill, and work toward developing a real mastery, then you are going to need a deeper and more powerful strategy. What you need is a way to hack your brain so you can develop a winning mindset.
A winning mindset is a state of mind that allows you to enter a flow state at will. You do this by programming your subconscious mind.
Believe it or not, most of what you do throughout an average day is NOT freely chosen by your normal waking consciousness even though it may seem that way. The truth is that most of what you do on a day-to-day basis is done on autopilot. An example of this would be when you’re driving your car and as you do so you get bored and begin daydreaming. Before you know it, you find yourself several miles further down the road with absolutely NO memory of having driven those last several miles.
So, who exactly was driving while your waking consciousness was in la-la land, and how exactly did you manage to avoid an accident? Your subconscious mind was in control. You already spent years programming your subconscious with how to deal with a broad range of possible driving scenarios and thus it had no trouble taking the wheel while your waking consciousness took a little break. In other words, you were able to take effective actions without having to THINK about them.
The same way you programmed your subconscious to drive, you can also program it to automatically take successful actions toward mastering any other skill you decide that you want to learn. CLICK HERE to learn a proven, step-by-step formula to help you attain mastery at any skill you choose and achieve everything in life.
If you would like to take singing or music lessons with our in-house expert, click here.