A Plan Of Action For The Overwhelmed

You could be hard pressed to find someone over the age of 10 that hasn’t felt a little overwhelmed at some point in their life. Some people are more overwhelmed than others, but the impact and emotions remain the same.

It can be a bit of a challenge to stay focused on finding solutions. However, focus and a plan of action can solve most problematic situations in your life. Some people are more prone to worry and end up doing silly things to make ourselves feel better. This doesn’t determine the results, it just avoids it temporarily.

Try these steps to creating a plan, going from feeling overwhelmed to feeling at peace in your life:
  1. Identify what you have in control. There’s not much point in worrying about things outside your own discipline. Find out. what you can control then place your attention there.
  2. Focus on results. Now that you know what you can and can’t change, maintain your attention on finding a solutions. Getting frustrated over problems won’t change anything other than raising your over taxed stress levels. Giving any situation Time and attention finding solutions is the best way out of your mess.
  3. Create a strategy. Make a plan for putting your solution into action. Figure out what you need to do and put as much time and effort into your plan as possible. The more effort you apply, the better your odds of controlling and conquering your challenges.
  4. Get enough sleep and rest. Feeling overpowered adds stress on your busy Day. It’s important to get rest and be calm as much as possible. Which doesn’t include lying on the couch all day! If it’s doable get a knap in through out the day. Getting a good nights sleep will allow you to accomplish much more during the day.
  5. Eat well, stay nourished and hydrated. Some people choose not to eat when they’re stressed, others turn to comfort food such as sweets. Maintain good nutrition during this challenging time. If you feel the need to snack at work or home, make your own healthy nutritional bars. This will help you to control your sugar intake, believe me, its easier done than said.
  6. Be grateful and remember, there is good in your life. Be thankful and blessed for what you attained in your life. Your life situation is probably more full filling than most people in the world. Make a list of all the things and people you have in your life that you appreciate and remind yourself of just how lucky you are.
  7. Blow off some steam. Exercise at least 3 times a week. A night on the town with some close friends, or a good party might be just what you need to rid yourself of access anger and energy. You’ll feel less anxious and have an easier time of getting a good night’s sleep. If you’ve been working hard, give yourself a much deserved break. Remind yourself, “you never know what tomorrow will bring”.
  8. Be proud of your successes. Even a little progress is worthy of celebration. Be content with your accomplishments and get excited about moving forward. Believe and envision the light at the end of the tunnel! This is highly motivating. One success leads to another.
  9. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed to ask for a little help. Two heads and four hands are better than over extending your already stressed out day. The worst anyone can do is say “no” or if you are met with hostility, don’t reply in anger instead reply in kind. You will be the better person.

Being overwhelmed, angry or frustrated are emotions everyone is familiar with. It can be exhausting if you fail to address the situation with the wrong emotion. Pay close attention to detail and analyze your direction, have you been here before. Put your time and energy on the right path.

Worrying will do absolutely no good and make you feel worse and less capable. You will, in time, surprise and amaze yourself and loved ones at the self satisfying, transformation of your life. Old school New Body.

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