The Truth About Reading And The Mind (Video)
The Human Mind is a Curious Beast….
What’s really going on when we look at a bunch of symbols on a page?
Our blog is yet another way for us to connect with you. It is written by our in-house team, which is enthusiastic about sharing their thoughts and what they’ve learned from their experiences helping kids, mature students and entrepreneurs achieve and advance their goals.
The Human Mind is a Curious Beast….
What’s really going on when we look at a bunch of symbols on a page?
Shine as a creative writer with just five simple strategies! Improve your creative writing today by learning tips and tricks to raise the quality of your work.
Cna yuo raed tihs? if yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too…
One area that has concerned parents for some time has been the proper development & implementation of a solid and successful dyslexia curriculum.
Social media and ‘selfie culture’ means people are more likely to be on their devices even when in company…
Getting children to sit still for more than five minutes is a challenge in itself! So how on earth can we motivate kids to sit, think and then write an entire story that makes sense?
Is Planning to Fail! Or put another way, ’Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.’ Either way, this old saying rings true for almost everyone.
How can I make my child read and what are some essential readings that can be interesting and helpful at the same time?
Reading skills are essential in GCSEs, so why not learn how to sharpen them up? Read this post and discover why reading is vital for success in your exams.
Audiobooks and e-readers are not great for learning tricky stuff. But strike the right balance and they’re still very useful tools.
We may think it is harmless to give our kids iPads or Kindles but studies show that these electronic counterparts may not be the best choice at all.
Who needs to read anymore when you can plug into an Audible title and keep doing what you do? Facts show though, you’re probably not getting what you need.
Reading is one of the simple pleasures of life, something that instantly breaks you away from the hustle and bustle; offering you a completely refreshing experience.
Are children and teens really struggling to communicate with everyone else in the world?
Reading books or listening to, which one should we do or offer to our kids is a common question.
Getting children to sit still for more than five minutes is a challenge in itself! So how on earth can we motivate kids to sit and write an entire story?
One of the most confusing aspects of reading and comprehension is the measurement of the reading age itself…