Preparing PowerPoint (PPT) slideshows is easy for everyone that is familiar with using the PowerPoint program. However, do you know that there some things that would make your presentation to be more appealing and effectual?
Despite the fact that you might be familiar with creating PowerPoint slideshows, you need to keep certain reminders at your fingertips. What you are looking forward to is writing a PPT presentation that is effective and presentable. Right? The person listening to or following your presentation needs to see it worthy keeping in touch with you during your entire presentation. In other words, your presentation should be engaging. What then do you do so as to prepare the most appealing PPT presentation?
Follow these six powerful tips, tricks on writing the most effective PowerPoint presentation below and you will easily and effectively create your PPT slides.
Be Concise
Limit the number of words for each slide and simplify them as much as possible. A PowerPoint presentation should just entail the most essential information. Use key phrases for the content which you are preparing the slides for. Basically, each slide should be brief but inclusive of all important points.
Use Simple Design Template
Use a simple design presentation template for your slides. You can vary the way in which you present your points in the entire presentation. You can achieve this by switching between bullets, images and text, and 2-column text so that you don’t repeat the same listing style for all your points.
Limit Animations and Images
Do not overuse animations, transitions, and effects since this actually degrades the credibility of your slideshow, which can lower the worth of your presentation. What you should instead do is finding relevant high quality content and probably combining it with text.
A powerpoint presentation writer should be careful on the color and font types you choose to use in writing your slides. It is recommendable you use colors that are contrasting for the background and text. This way you will bring out good clarity in the slides. A dark background is the best for light texts. Avoid using a patterned background- it distorts text readability.
Smooth transitions
Ensure that there is a good transition between slides unless you are changing the subject under discussion. Keep the previous slide in mind while writing the current slide so that you don’t lose the flow of your presentation. This is a good secret of keeping your audience involved.
Be Audience Centric
Write for your audience, not for yourself. A number of people fail in this area. Keep it in mind that you are writing for your audience not for yourself. Despite the fact that you are under control of what to write in your slides, be alert not to use phrases that would put your audience off. Remember; you don’t want to apologize for your presentation having been ambiguous.
Once you consider and keenly follow the six tricks, tips on PowerPoint presentation writing discussed above, you will surely win the attention of your audience. These tips will ensure that you, without any struggle, win the confidence of your audience upon your presentation. That way, you presentation will be very effective and commendable.